Fluid dynamics of swimming organisms
Wednesday, June 16 at 05:45pm (PDT)Thursday, June 17 at 01:45am (BST)Thursday, June 17 09:45am (KST)
Laura Miller (University of Arizona, U.S.A.), Arvind Santhanakrishnan (Oklahoma State University, U.S.A.)
The fluid dynamics of animal swimming has been a topic that has interested biologists, mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and artists for hundreds of years. Within the past 20 years, mathematical and numerical methods have been developed to reveal the complexity of how organisms propel themselves through the water. More recent work has revealed how interacting propulsive appendages and organisms can enhance swimming performance. For example, wing-wing interactions, fin-fin interactions, and body-fin interaction can generate additional thrust, enhance lift, and improve maneuverability. In this minisymposium, we use mathematical, physical, and numerical models to better understand the fluid dynamic interactions present in schools of fish, lattices of flapping plates, and the movement of swimming appendages arranged in series. Some of the mathematical challenges involved in studying these problems include the simultaneous resolution of flow between swimming appendages, around the entire organism, and between multiple organisms. The study of animal swimming can provide insight into open questions related to animal behavior, functional morphology, and the bio-inspired design of autonomous underwater vehicles.