Stochastic Systems Biology: Theory and Simulation
Wednesday, June 16 at 04:15am (PDT)Wednesday, June 16 at 12:15pm (BST)Wednesday, June 16 08:15pm (KST)
Jae Kyoung Kim (Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, Republic of Korea), Ramon Grima (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Biological systems consist of a large number of species with reactions which occur in multiple spatio-temporal scales. Because performing stochastic simulations of such systems are computationally expensive and prohibitive, various strategies to reduce the computational cost have been investigated, e.g. quasi-state-state approximation or hybrid methods. Also it is of interest how the interaction between different scales, e.g. between cellular and tissue scales, affects noise at the single cell level. In this mini-symposium, the focus will be on recent research reporting on advances in this area. Furthermore, the application of these methods to investigate embryonic development, cell size homeostasis and cell movement will be presented.
Hyukpyo Hong
(Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, Republic of Korea)"Inference of stochastic dynamics in biochemical reaction networks by exploiting deterministic dynamics"
Zhou Fang
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)" Stochastic filtering for multiscale stochastic reaction networks based on hybrid approximations"
Samuel Isaacson
(Boston University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, USA)"Stochastic Reaction-Drift-Diffusion Methods for Studying Cell Signaling"
Brian Munsky
(Colorado State University, USA)"Designing Optimal Microscopy Experiments to Harvest Single-Cell Fluctuation Information while Rejecting Image Distortion Effects"