Diverse quantitative approaches integrating data and modelling in development and medicine
Monday, June 14 at 5:45pm (PDT)Tuesday, June 15 at 01:45am (BST)Tuesday, June 15 09:45am (KST)
Adriana Dawes (Ohio State University, USA), Sungrim Seirin-Lee (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Mathematical sciences are making significant contributions to our understanding of developmental biology and its application to medicine using a diversity of approaches. One such approach integrates data with quantitative models under both normal and pathological conditions to uncover hidden rules and relationships underlying biological phenomena. By identifying these basic rules of life, mathematical models can further explore the consequences of these regulatory mechanisms, how they can be exploited by disease processes, and provide testable predictions for unresolved questions that may be difficult to address experimentally. In this minisymposium, we bring together research from a variety of perspectives to share recent developments in techniques and insights for understanding complex, medically relevant, dynamics that are associated with development.
Sungrim Seirin-Lee
(Hiroshima University, Japan)"A one-line mathematical model that solved the mystery of urticaria"
Yoichiro Mori
(University of Pennsylvania, USA)"Mathematical Justification of Slender Body Theory"
Benjamin Walker
(University of Oxford, UK)"Hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing in spermatozoa"
Kang-Ling Liao
(University of Manitoba, Canada)"The role of CD200-CD200R in cancer immunotherapy"