MEPI Subgroup Contributed Talks
Thursday, June 17 at 06:45am (PDT)Thursday, June 17 at 02:45pm (BST)Thursday, June 17 10:45pm (KST)
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Andrew Oster
Eastern Washington University"A New Model for Rat-Flea–Driven Plague Transmission"
Katia Vogt-Geisse
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez"An SIR-type model incorporating social distancing dynamics based on point prevalence and socio-behavioral factors"
Edward Hill
University of Warwick"A network modelling approach to assess non-pharmaceutical disease controls against SARS-CoV-2 in a worker population"
Jeffery Demers
University of Maryland"Optimal allocation of limited testing resources for flattening the COVID-19 curve"