Recent Perspectives on Mathematical Education
Wednesday, June 16 at 09:30am (PDT)Wednesday, June 16 at 05:30pm (BST)Thursday, June 17 01:30am (KST)
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Stacey Smith? (The University of Ottawa, Canada)
This minisymposium will bring together educators to examine up-to-the-minute problems that showcase the usefulness and applicability of mathematical education in the world of online teaching. The minisymposium draws on educators across a variety disciplines. The education minisympsium is a mainstay of SMB meetings, and Education is a key component of translational science, creating pathways for a new generation of thinkers. This minisymposium is also focused on diversity, with speakers from a broad range of backgrounds, genders and topics.
Kara Allum
(Oxford University, United Kingdom)"Maths is for everyone: why interdisciplinary and DEI focused approaches should be the basis of high school outreach"
Kathleen Hoffman
(University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)"Extending Quantitative Reasoning in the Biological Sciences"
Shelby Scott
(University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA)"Things I learned as an interdisciplinary graduate student"
Glenn Ledder
(University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)"A Teaching Module for Mathematical Epidemiology Using Matlab or R"