Systems Biology Models of Tumor Metabolism
Monday, June 14 at 5:45pm (PDT)Tuesday, June 15 at 01:45am (BST)Tuesday, June 15 09:45am (KST)
Shubham Tripathi (Rice University, USA), Abhinav Achreja (University of Michigan, USA)
Postulated as an emerging hallmark of tumor cells nearly a decade ago, metabolic reprogramming is now recognized as a key feature of tumor progression across cancer types, with widespread therapeutic implications. Experimental advances have played a key role in revealing the different metabolic behaviors exhibited by tumor cells that contribute towards uncontrolled proliferation, metastasis, immune evasion, and drug resistance. Simultaneously, mathematical modeling approaches have been crucial to the development of frameworks that provide insights unattainable with empirical data alone. This mini-symposium will bring together thought leaders who have been developing a diverse set of mathematical modeling approaches to understand tumor metabolism. These include coarse-grained metabolic models that couple to gene networks, detailed mechanistic models, and genome-scale metabolic models, which collectively reflect the different systems biology approaches to studying tumor metabolism. The speakers will discuss application of these models to predicting the response of tumor cells to therapeutic interventions and the current challenges in this domain. While introducing the audience to the latest developments at this frontier of investigating tumor vulnerabilities, the mini-symposium will facilitate interaction between researchers working on distinct approaches towards the same goal of discovering the metabolic vulnerabilities of tumor cells.